Let Your Roaster Register First Crack For You

ROEST is a professional sample roaster with First Crack Detection. It helps you:

✓ Save Time
Increase Consistency
Improve Workflow

All you need to do is charge the beans and then collect them when roasted.


How It Works

During the roasting process, ROEST sample roaster automatically listens for First Crack. Once detected, the roaster will start the final stage of roasting and end the roast fully automated. See how it works:

1. During the roast, ROEST identifies each individual crack and shows the Crack Count on the screen.

2. When the Crack Count reaches the desired amount of cracks, the First Crack event is automatically registered.

(Photo: Example of the live view data)

3. As the First Crack event is registered, development time starts countdown for automatic bean release.


Customize The First Crack Settings

As a roaster, you have your own style. Maybe you register the First Crack event after three cracks?
Or do you prefer five cracks? You decide!


Follow First Crack Live

In the roasting Web Portal, you can create and share profiles, analyze roasting logs and follow the roasting process live.


1. The line shows the First Crack event.
2. The red stripes represent the crack intensity during the First Crack event.


What Our Customers Say

“ROEST is the most perfect small-scale machine yet designed. The capability to develop profiles based on different parameters and the machine’s ability to develop coffee remarkably evenly, coupled with its ease of use and maintenance, makes it an essential tool in my professional life.”

- David Stallings, QC Lab Manager Long Miles Coffee, USA


“One of the reasons I decided to get a ROEST machine was its automatic First Crack Detection function. This is because the first crack decides not only quality but also consistency.”

- Hidenori Izaki, 2014 World Barista Champion and Coffee Consultant