Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

From prototype to award-winning sample roaster

From the very beginning, we had a clear vision; to build a sample roaster with unmatched consistency, digital precision and without any compromises when it comes to the final result: the perfect cup. We had several tries until we achieved the results we wanted. Learning from mistakes and staying true to our values is what today makes ROEST the best sample roaster on the market. And this is our journey…

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Design to Repair: Sustainability at ROEST

Sustainability is one of the most important values for our coffee community. As we are growing, we feel a responsibility to focus more attention on what sustainability means to us and how we can contribute as a manufacturer. At ROEST, we are focused on creating a sustainable product for our customers, while building a sustainable business for our team.

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Veronika Galova Bolduc Veronika Galova Bolduc

Learning to ROEST with Long Miles Coffee Part 2

David Stallings from Long Miles Coffee shares the full and detailed report on developing profile for Long Miles Burundi samples. Interesting explanation of the transformation from Air Temperature profile into Power profile. Profiles for your ROEST are included.

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