Norwegian Brewers Cup Champion

Langøra Kaffebrenneri

Langøra Kaffebrenneri

ROEST was present with our sample roasters during the Norwegian roasting championship the 23 and 24 of February. We had a great time, but what came after was extraordinary! Here’s what happened.

After the competition, Kristian from Langøra Kaffebrenneri (the host of the roasting championship) asked if he could borrow a roaster for a few days. He had a batch of Lactic Sidra from La Palma & El Tucan that they were going to roast for the Trondheim Coffee Festival on behalf of Slabberas. The coffee arrived the following Tuesday and Kristian roasted a few batches, testing the roaster and the coffee for the first time. He was so pleased with the result that he gave the coffee to Erlend Wessel, barista at Dromedar, who were going to compete in the national brewers cup the following Saturday. Despite using a different coffee in the preparation, Erlend decided to go with the ROEST roasted Lactic Sidra coffee for the competition. He nailed it and won with a good margin. We were blown away of course, we didn’t even know they were using that coffee in the competition! Roasting a really good coffee is one thing, but roasting a champion roast after 2 days with a new roaster; mind blowing!

Of course, the real champion is Erlend, who performed flawlessly for the judges. Congratulations!

Erlend Wessel-Berg / Norwegian Champion Brewers cup 2019Foto: Frida Helgerud

Erlend Wessel-Berg / Norwegian Champion Brewers cup 2019

Foto: Frida Helgerud

We talked to Kristian and he told us he used an profile developed by Nordic Approach for Colombian coffee. He took manual control after first crack to have better control during the last development fase. ROEST customers can download the profile here. You can also see the roast below.


Third Consecutive Roasting Champion


Game changing research!