How to change: Drum window LED light
How to change the LED light of the drum window on your ROEST.
Where to buy drum window LED light?
If you are sure the LED light of the drum window is broken (you have talked to our Support Team) visit our e-shop to purchase a new one!
Before you start
Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, the manufacturer does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of the use of such information. The manufacturer is not liable or responsible for any problems arising from the attempted repair. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. The manufacturer's products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in applications where failure or malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage. The manufacturer accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of its products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is for the customer’s own risk.
make sure the roaster is turned off
the power cord has to be unplugged
follow the steps as instructed below
10-millimeter spanner/wrench/socket
2-millimeter hexagonal key
Bean sample tray or similar, to prop the roaster at an angle for easy of disassembling
Plate 3 with LED light attached
Cable ties
Step-by-step guide:
2. Remove the front décor plate.
3. Orientate the roaster so that the front is facing you. Lift the front of the roaster and place an item underneath to tilt the roaster back (for this example we have used a few sample trays).
This is to give adequate access to the window LED and to enable the removal of aluminum spacers easier.
4. Remove the LED cable from the PCB and cut any cable ties securing it to the motor bracket.
5. Remove the protective sleeve and keep it for reinstallation. NOTE: if the protective sleeve is damaged, e.g., if a cable can be seen through the sleeve, discard it.
6. Pull the LED cable through the hole located in plate 1.
7. Remove the 6-millimeter nuts. Use the 10-millimeter wrench to loosen them and unscrew them by hand.
8. Remove plate 4 and the four aluminum spacers behind it.
1. Plate 4 removal
2. Take off the spacers
9. Remove plate 3 with the old LED light.
Plate 3 removal
This plate can be scrapped. Separate the metal part from the electronic part, and dispose of it responsibly.
NOTE: Check if the aluminum spacer is stuck to the backside of “Plate 3”; remove the spacer if it has adhered to the aluminum tape.
10. Install the new plate 3 with LED.
1. Ensure that the four aluminum spacers are on top of plate 2.
2. Install the new plate 3 and leave the cable loose.
11. Install the four aluminum spacers on top of Plate 3.
12. Install plate 4.
Install the four nuts and tighten them with the 10-millimeter wrench. NOTE: do not over-tighten the nuts, as this could damage the threads and the subsequent plates.
13. Feed the LED cable through the hole in plate 1 (this plate is the widest of the four plates).
14. Feed the protective sleeve over the end of the LED cable where it should touch the backside of plate 1.
15. Cable tie the protective sleeve and LED cable to plate 1.
Cable tie the sleeve at the top of plate one.
16. Plug the LED cable back into the original location on the PCB. NOTE: the PCB location reads “LED2”.
17. Tie loose cables to the motor bracket.
18. Install front décor plate.
20. Plug the roaster in, turn it on and test the drum window LED light. If it doesn’t work, contact the ROEST support team.
Video instructions
How to change: Bean cooler LED light
How to replace a touch screen on your ROEST.
Where to buy LED light?
If you are sure your LED-light is broken (you have talked to our Support Team) visit our e-shop to purchase a new one!
Before you start
Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, the manufacturer does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of the use of such information. The manufacturer is not liable or responsible for any problems arising from the attempted repair. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. The manufacturer's products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in applications where failure or malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage. The manufacturer accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of its products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is for the customer’s own risk.
make sure the roaster is turned off
the power cord has to be unplugged
follow the steps as instructed below
Bean cooler LED assembly
Cable ties to re-cable the LED light to the motor bracket.
Step-by-step guide:
1. Remove the top plate. You can read how to do it here.
2. Remove the left side panel. Click here to see how to do it.
3. To know where to relocate and fasten the new LED light, you can take a photo of the cable location on the PCB (connector named LED1 on the PCB) and how cables are fastened to the motor bracket.
From top
From side
4. Disconnect bean cooler LED light cable from PCB.
5. Remove the old Bean Cooler LED Assembly. NOTE: if the LED is damaged, disassemble it from the bracket and dispose of it responsibly.
6. Cut cable ties to release LED cable by using the cutters.
CAUTION! take care not to cut through any cables. NOTE: Only cut the number of cable ties required to release that cable.
7. Slide the new bean cooler LED into position. NOTE: if the component does not locate by hand, gently tap the component into place until seated.
8. Plug the cable back into the PCB slot (connector named LED1).
9. Start tying the LED cable into position. Tie the LED cable into the remaining cables along the motor bracket.
Ensure that the cable has been fastened in position with a loop. This is in case the PCB needs to be changed.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that proximity extension cables are not cable tied.
10. Trim the excess from cable ties by using the cutters.
11. Before putting the left side panel and top plate back on the roaster, ensure that there is no excess cable from Bean Cooler LED Assembly that can be squeezed and damaged. IMPORTANT: If there is excess cable when the left side panel is fastened in place, this can cause the cable to become damaged and cause electrical faults in the roaster.
LED cable should look like this (no excess)
12. Install the left side panel.
13. Install the top plate.
14. Plug the roaster in, turn it on and test the LED light. If it doesn’t work, contact the ROEST support team.
Adjustable roasting parameters
Service menu - includes recommended settings for motor gear ratio, cooling fan, heater fan, and PID settings.